Jobs |
The Commit button will be enabled if the following conditions are met:
The Job cannot be Committed if it is already on an Order with other Jobs.
Clicking the Commit button will place the Job on an Order (if it is not already), and Commit the Order.
This option will be available if the current User has User Security permission for ConfirmWorkzone.
Clicking this option will open the current Job in ConfirmWorkzone in a new browser tab. Note that the Job must already be present in ConfirmWorkzone.
External map system
This option will be available if the External Map URL has been configured on the ConfirmWorkzone Settings screen.
If the External Map Name has been configured on the ConfirmWorkzone Settings screen, the name of this button will match.
Selecting this option will open the current Job in the configured external map system.
The Create button will be available if the current User has User Security permission to Add Jobs. Each of the following options will open the new Job in a separate screen so that the Job's fields can be reviewed/edited before saving.
Select this option to create a new Job.
Select this option to create a copy of the current Job.
Copy as Child
Select this option to create a copy of the current Job as a child of the current Job.
Copy as Sibling
Select this option to create a copy of the current Job that will share the same parent as the current Job. This option is only available if the current Job is a child Job.
Use the Reports button to select and run any Reports linked to the Job screen.
See the Launch Entity Reports page for more information.